Regulament Respawn

Fara reguli nu exista armonie.
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3 years ago


WALL/AIM/CFG CARE AJUTA (NO FLASH) sau cu silent aimbot sunt interzise [BAN PERMANET]
Limbajul colorat (injuraturi / jigniri) sunt interzise [Gag 10 minute ]
Injurile pe u@ catre un admin sunt interzise [gag 10 minute/ ban 120 minute]
Urcare pe mapa (textura) este intezista [slay / kick / ban 10-60 minute]
WDC este obligatoriu dar daca nu il vei da vei primi 9000 minute ban
Pozele daca nu le dati le veti da la cerere unban si veti primi unban cat mai rapid banu care il veti primi va fi de 9000 minute maxim daca se da mai mare puteti face reclamatie!!!

Admini sunt interzisi sa dea comenzi intre admini exceptie daca adminul este prins cu aim se da [ban permanent]
Nu se da ban permanet pt neprezentare wdc se va da maxim 9000 minute daca dai mai mult risti [-1/remove]
Poze daca dai ban pt poze sa nu fie mai mare de 9000 minute . [-1/remove]
Admini trebuie sa aiba banlist
La regulament vei scrie csg power
Nu ai dreptul sa dai comezi cu - gen slap cu - [remove]
PIKA se da doar daca dai cu dovada concreta daca nu va primi remove + interzicere pe sv
Admini trebuie sa fie cat de cat activi pe forum .

eng :


WALL / AIM / CFG HELPING (NO FLASH) or silent aimbot are prohibited [BAN PERMANET]
Colored language (swearing / insulting) is forbidden [10 minute gag]
Injuries on u @ to an admin are forbidden [colo=#FF0000] [gag 10 minutes / ban 120 minutes] [/color]
Climbing the map (texture) is intense [colo=#FF0000] [slay / kick / ban 10-60 minutes] [/color]
WDC is required but if you do not give it you will receive 9000 minutes ban
The pictures, if you don't give them, you will give them on request and you will receive unban as soon as possible.

Admins are forbidden to give commands between admins unless the admin is caught with aim is given [permanent ban]
No permanent ban is given for non-presentation wdc will be given a maximum of 9000 minutes if you give more risks [- 1 / remove]
Pictures if you pay for pictures should not be longer than 9000 minutes. [- 1 / remove]
Admini must have a banlist
In the regulations you will write csg power
You are not allowed to give commands with - like slap with - [remove]
PIKA is only given if you give concrete proof if it will not receive remove + ban on sv
Admin must be somewhat active on the forum .

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